Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Eating brains-----yuuuuuck

Hello once again family and friends IT’S GREAT to be able to address you once again this week. Well this week was incredible and the coolest part was that I wasn’t even in my area for a few days this week. The week started of pretty good because on Monday we had some good lessons. On Tuesday we had exchanges and I went to the area of the other Elders with Elder Mandujano who is in his training just like my companion. I got to know some of his investigators and members a little bit better. I t was also a pretty cool experience because we found family that they are now teaching which is progressing, well, pretty well. As well in the exchange I was able to learn more about him he is from the state of Mexico. He is older than I am, but a very good Elder. We finished our exchanges, and I learned that one of our investigators finally accepted a baptismal date as well as that we have a lot of new investigators to teach! That was extremely good news for us he baptism is for the following Saturday and we are very excited we just need to finish a few lessons and shell be ready I know it. After that the weekend was pretty slow, but we found people in their homes and those who really do want to learn more, and one day be baptized.
Actually on the weekend I had a noteworthy experience. I ate what are called Cessos or Brains. The brain of the pig can be eaten here. So i decided to try it, and it wasn’t too bad it actually tasted pretty flavorful.
So this week I am very grateful to be able to once again listen to the words of the Prophets and Apostles, especially with the good news that three new servants of the Lord will be called. It’s sad to know that three died, but it’s incredible to know that the Church of Jesus Christ is led by revelation. I know that God Lives and that his son Jesus Christ is at the head of this His church as well as that he leads it through a living prophet and apostles. I know that and invite you all to listen to them this conference with the goal to receive revelation and the truly hear the voice of God through his servants (D&C 1:38). I know these things are true and you will to just as you listen to the words that they will say.

God Be With You Till We Meet Again

Elder Perfili

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Mexican Indepandance day, me as the pinata

Well brothers and sisters it has been a wonderful week and it really was full of a lot of things both ups and downs, but the downs don't really even get to you when you are serving the lord with all your heart. So this week on Tuesday was the Mexican Independence Day and it's very interesting how they celebrate here. On the 15th they just take things slow for the day, and at about 11 or 12 at night they sound out the "Cry" of Independence with Fireworks and Cannons. As a district we took photos and celebrated with a Piñata (ME). No don't worry they didn't get any Candy. So after Independence Day it was work and it was a week where with a holiday it can be difficult to find people in their homes, but we managed to still find people ,and as well to contact a large number of people so that we could have more people to teach the following week. Really the weeks go by so fast sometimes it hard to remember what happened, but on Sunday we were able to see one of our investigadores who has been coming to church for a month now. She has been bringing her kids with her as well and we are really working hard so that she will be able to baptize before the transfer ends. A Little bit about my companion now though. So he is really, really, really cool and very Smart. He is also very funny because last week while we were watching the cultural event for the temple he was freaking out the entire time because he saw a lot of people he knew. As well when he wears his glasses people say that he looks like a mexican Harry Potter, but without the wand.

So now for my thought this week. Life as a missionary sometimes is difficult with a lot of ups and downs. It's a lot of rejection and as well joyful moments when you feel closer than ever to your savior. As well in our lives here on earth we all face challenges. On earth we will all encounter moments of adversity. Adversity can be two things, a way to grow and progress, or it can be a crippler in our lives. As participants in the plan of our Heavenly Father we choose to come to earth and be tried. Adversity is how we can progress or be crippled. In the Book of Mormon I love a story in which the people of Alma are under captivity to the Lamanites, but rather than just give in they keep pushing and praying, and you know what happens? The Lord answers their prayers and tells them that tomorrow they will be released. In hard time what is our first reaction? to get stressed,frustrated and panicked, or is it to immediately go the Heavenly Father and Jesús Christ and ask them what it is that they want us to learn and how, and what we should do? I know that sometimes I do the first, the second option is the one that I choose to do now and will continue to choose. God and Jesús Christ are here to help us in our experience on earth to progress in times and trial and I know that they always will. Of that I testify.
Elder Perfili
God Be With You Till We Meet Again

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Mexico City Temple Rededication

Hello family and Friends. This week I have to inform you wasn't this most fantastic, but it really was a good week. On Monday it was a normal preparation day that was full of cleaning. Afterwards on Tuesday we worked and began to look for more new investigadores as well as those that we have. Right now we're teaching a lot of families. The goal is that we find as many families as we possibly can. We actually have some families that are making good progress as well. On Thursday we had a surprise Zone Conference with President Villarreal who interviewed us as well as taught us about the importance of the Book of Mormon in our proselyting.After the conference on Thursday Friday was work, work , work. On Saturday in preparation for the rededication of the Mexico City Mexico temple there was a cultural event that was held in the Federal District. It was a play with a story of a man and his conversión and an explanation of the Book of Mormon. it also displayed the history of the church in Mexico. It was incredible the cultural event I loved it! As well some of our investigators came to watch it! Then on Sunday we went to Fresnillo to see the three sessions of the rededication of the temple. President Eyring and Elder Holland came as well as the Area Presidency of Mexico. It was really a special event and the spirit was so strong in each sesión. I wish i could tell you all what I learned, but because it was an extensión of the temple we need to keep the sanctity of it. The temple rededication really was the highlight of my week though.

Now for the spiritual thought. So with the rededication of the temple I would like to share with you my testimony of the power and the holiness of these sacred places. The temple is the house of the Lord. I know that in the temple we make sacred covenants and that we should keep ourselves worthy so that we may go as often as possible. As well I know that in the temples that the power to seal a family for time and all eternity can be found there. AS well i know that the temples are the closest places on earth to connect us with our father in heaven and that we truly can feel his presence there. I know that as well it is our responsibility to look for our ancestors so that they too can receive these ordinances.
Elder Perfili
God Be With You Till We Meet Again    

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

When God is put first

Well how absolutely amazing this week has truly been. First things first Happy Labor Day to all those celebrating. Well brothers and sisters I'm going to begin with the first part of my week. The first part of the week was actually pretty good, but it still was lacking something. We were teaching and as well contacting a lot, but really something was really different. On Thursday this week we had to leave and go to Fresnillo for our monthly Zone Conference. there we were inspired to elevate and vision and faith through the goals that we are putting in our missionary planner. For those of you who are not familiar as Missionaries we work according to goals and we measure our progress to find out how we can better work along side the Lord in his work. The conference had me thinking this weekend and on Saturday it was incredible. For weeks and for a very long time my companion and I have been having an interesting time finding everyone, but on Saturday things turned around. We began the day a Little late, but found a new person to teach after we found another and then another, and then a family called us over to put an appointment with them and a woman as well and someone has a reference for us. It was as if the Lord was literally sending people to us to find. I can not lie no deny that really God was there the entire time helping us to find these his children. Then on Sunday we found another family. Truly the week started off slow, but it changed at the end. As I said in the beginning of my letter, at the starting of the week something was missing. At the end no, why I cant say fully, but I do know that a major part was that my companion and I began to confide more and more in the Spirit to lead and guide us, we began to trust fully in Gods and that he would lead us in our teaching, contacting, and day. This week my faith increased. Why because I don't have to will nor the desire to believe that I am possible of having done so much work, but rather that the Lord is helping me to be a part of it and it Works a lot better when I work a long side him by the direction of his spirit.  

I was just finshing a moment ago saying my testimony grew this week therefore I want to share it with you about the Restoration of the Gospel of Jesús Christ. I know that God is our loving and Heavenly Father and that he wants to bless us and does so through his góspel which he sends to us by the words of his Prophets who are men called of God and hold the Priesthood of God as well. I know that as well because of Gods love for his children he sent his son to establish a church with prophets, apostles, teachers, etc, and that when Jesús came he performed the atonement which makes it possible to live here happy and successful in our goal to return to God, I know that the church that Jesús established was lost as well as the Priesthood too, but God once again called a Prophet of God and restored his church through a Young man named Joseph Smith. That he also gave us a way to know if it is true that he restored his church. Its called the BOOK OF MORMON and it testifies of a restoration of the góspel of Jesús Christ. I know as well that God listens to prayers and that if you pray to him with a sincere desire to know he will manifest the truth of it unto you through the Holy Ghost. I know and I know with out any doubt. I share this with you in the name of Jesús Christ, Amen.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

11 months

Well it has been another month and I cannot believe that as well i finished another transfer here in the misión. Right now I’m still here in Rio Grande with Elder Paniagua and I’ll be finishing his training. In the District though we did have transfers Elder Lezana left and is now in San Luis Potosi. Elder Tito is still out district leader, but he is also training a new Elder now. Now for a recap of the week. On Monday we just contacted people. On Tuesday we had a few lessons, but we are working really hard on finding new people. Wednesday we had a lesson that was alright, and we then left for Fresnillo to stay the night with the Zone Leaders before we left the following day to a conference in Zacatecas. On Thursday we went to Zacatecas and had a conference with the misión doctor on our health and learned the 10 commandments on health. While I was there we learned a lot of things that we have to do as missionaries to keep ourselves healthy and so that we truly can serve with all our heart might mind and strength. As well I sent a photo, but I was able to see my companion from the MTC, Elder Jones, and we took a photo. On Saturday and Sunday was the Stake Confine here, but we didn’t go to the Stake Center instead they transmitted it from Fresnillo to Rio Grande.

After having our conference on Health I had been thinking a Little bit on how we can keep ourselves spiritually healthy. Thinking about it I thought about what the apostle Elder Bednard told us. Elder Bednard say that if we want a way to stay strong members of the church that every day we should read from the Book of Mormon. The Book of Mormon is the word of God. It is another testament of Jesús Christ and testifies of his life, misión and appearance in the American continent. As well the Book of Mormon is the fullness of the góspel. The Word fullness really does mean COMPLETE; WHOLE; EVERYTHING. The Book of Mormon contains it all, the answers that we need and the Gospel of Jesús Christ that is necessary to our salvation. I know that as well this book testifies of a restauration and that God has placed his church here again with the priesthood that Christ posed and as well that it is led by prophets. How do I know these things, just by Reading the Book of Mormon I have come to know and by praying as well. I invite all of you who have read and especially those who haven’t to read the Book and once you’ve finished to pray and ask God with all energy of heart and I know he will tell you it is true.
God Be With You Till We Meet Again
Elder Perfili  

This is from last week 8/24

Hey my beloved brothers and sisters, well where do I begin because this week really was special. So I can’t lie to you all the first few days of the week were rough my head was running all over the place in the misión and other things that stressed me out, but I know that God and Jesús Christ have helped me and they are still helping me. This week was kind of difficult in finding new people to teach. We have been contacting more as well as looking for references, but it seemed like every house we went to we couldn’t find anyone. However we didn’t let this affect us at al because we continued the search to find those who are ready. As one thing I have been focusing on is my study and I cannot go without my study for one day or I just feel different. I believe for sure though that the spirit has been able to be in our lessons because this entire week I felt so powerful and sure of what I was saying and the spirit was testifying. The best part of the week though was to see the investigators in church we had almost all of our investigators there in church on Sunday and some with their family members that we have never taught! That as well was super amazing after working the best that we could we still saw a great result at the end of the week.

Throughout this entire week I was thinking a lot, about a range of subjects, but it was one thing at the end of each day I knew I needed more and more and, I am working harder to do so, is the spirit. As I say the week was difficult in finding people, but at the end of each day I still felt a warmth and a calm spirit telling me that everything was all right. Day after day working and finding minimum results and I was still feeling good, how is that possible? We know that the spirit is the consoler and the person that our heavenly father has given us to lead us and guide us, even more to comfort us. The spirit is who helps us as missionaries and children of God carry out the work of salvation through his whispering and warnings. The spirit is essential in missionary work, but even more so in our lives because without it we don’t have this heaven sent gift, one that is truly divine and the closet gift we can receive as members of the church of Jesús Christ of Latter Day Saints to experiment the eternities. I love the spirit, but even more to making the sacrifices necessary and being diligent even tough to search for his presence. I know that the Holy Ghost will guide us if we listen and especially confirm to us at the end of a long day that it’s alright and tomorrow well try harder
Elder Perfili