Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Monday, January 25, 2016

Family Home Evening

Well my brothers and sisters this week I am thrilled to be able to write you all and tell you of the progress my companion and I have begun to have. So here in San Luis we have begun to work a lot more with the members of the church in our missionary efforts. We have a family home evening every week in the house of a member and form what are called nucleus's which are to strengthen members, investigators, less actives, and recent converts. It is a great idea that the mission is using and that helps the members and missionaries work together. To the part though in which we have progress, so we have been teaching a family of three and each one has excepted a baptismal date as well two have been coming to church they even came to stake conference this week. Also another investigator that we have is the granddaughter of our convert Magdalena. All were found through the assistance of members or in other words referrals. I know the word that all members dread when the missionaries come to eat, but it’s the only way that is efficient in helping Gods children be served, taught, and baptized. As well my companion and I have very little time together, but we get along so well. This weekend as well we had the opportunity to have stake conference and an area seventy preside during the conference. He was extremely funny and taught with power. We learned quite a bit which I would like to share later, but I know that God really does love us and there is no doubt about it. 

Well this week I feel the desire to speak about something I learned which I believe will benefit you all as well. So this year here in Mexico we are working a lot on strengthening the country so that it may be self-sufficient or that’s the goal. The Book of Mormon took place in the promise land, and where is the promise land, Mexico. Others might jokingly say that it would be somewhere else, but there wrong. The Book of Mormon was written as an evidence of the restoration, but in the first page of the Book of Mormon, Mormon clearly says that the Book was written for the Lamanites, and others. Where I’m going is that the Lord has made it clear that this is the same Promised Land that describes the Book of Mormon and it is the same promise that Lehi left when he said that it will prosper according to their obedience. I know that God has given me that opportunity to serve in this beautiful country, but more importantly help the promise of Lehi become a reality and that the Lord may truly be able to bless the earth through this country. I know that God calls ordinary men who make mistakes, but he makes them extraordinary in his timing as well as a nation. 

God Be With You Till We Meet Again
Elder Perfili   

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

turning point

The week went by at a good pace the wonderful thing though was seeing the amazing results that God let us be a part of. Right now we have investigators and progressing investigators. My companion and I are loving each other and are having a good time. He really is just full of energy and life that sometimes it’s hard to contain him. As this week we had a lot of opportunities to visit people who were completely led and us as well to their doors. I’m happy to be here in the service of the Lord and know that he will help me. 

I just wanted to share with you all something. In the talk by King Benjamin in Mosiah chapter 2 we read about service, but I want to focus on one thing. Service to God. The entire chapter he explains the importance we have in serving others, but he says as well the grand importance that there is in serving God. As I reflect on his talk and this part I began to think about the plan of the area Mexico for this year. It says that we will support the hastening of the work of salvation. I as a missionary see now more and more that I only need to serve God. As I serve his children I serve him as I serve my companion and missionaries, investigators members, and less actives. I and you will be serving God and that is the only way to truly come to know him and love him more. Of this I know. 

God Be With You Till We Meet Again
Elder Perfili

Monday, January 4, 2016


Well me brothers and sisters I am extremely happy because this week was awesome. We BAPTIZED!! It almost fell through again, but the Lord allowed us to see the miracle of one of his children repent. Well this week was enjoyable up until the holiday. Here in Mexico it is known for a few things especially the parties. So on New Year’s eve at 12 in the morning the people here in San Luis like to light fireworks welcoming the New Year. During the night it sounded like I was in a war zone, but we were kept safe the entire time. The following morning due to the festivities the streets were completely empty. It was a little strange, but at the same time nice because my companion and I were able to help other missionaries this day. As well this weekend was full of a ton of excitement with the transfers. I forgot to mention I think, but I’m still here in Joyas as the Zone Leader the only difference is that now I’m the senior companion. My companion yea finished his mission and was sad, but I know that he is happy to go home and see his family. He went home smiling as he left for Aguascalientes. My new companion is Elder Rosas. He is from Veracruz and we arrived in the mission together only he has one month less than I do. We are going to work and have a lot of success I’m positive of that. The baptism this week was the best part though. As I sad it almost fell through, because a family member had passed away the day before and she wasn’t sure that she’d be able to come, but in the end she said that she still wanted to and it was one of the best feelings that I have had. 

So I wanted to share with you all the importance once again of repentance. Why do I talk so much about this, because this principle in the gospel of Jesus Christ is vital to our progression as children of God. When we are set apart as Elders we literally separated from sin. This principle was taught by Spencer W Kimball. Thinking about it our repentance process is the same. As we begin to repent we see that we are separating ourselves from what Satan wants to what God wants. As we begin to look for the will of God we begin to make changes that pull us away from all that is miserable to a happy state. The important part to remember though is that once we have been separated from that which is evil we cannot return to do the same. We’ve been separated from it if we truly repent and the atonement of Jesus Christ promises us that, but we have to do it constantly. I live this principle more and more each day, and I cannot stop gratifying God for the changes that he has made in my life. I love repentance and that I change from a natural man to a holy man. I know that it is possible for anyone who tries. I know and do not doubt it!

God Be With You Till We Meet Again

Elder Perfili


Saying goodbye

Saturday, January 2, 2016

Christmas 2015

Well it’s late, but Merry Christmas! I hope that you all passed a very jolly and holly Christmas this year with your families and with your loved ones. This week was very fast, fun and above all spiritual so this week started off well with some lessons and our progressing investigator moving toward baptism. On Thursday though is where I would like to begin. So as we all know it was Christmas Eve or in Spanish Nochebuena. Normally on Thursdays we have what’s called weekly planning. After the weekly planning we went to work, but it’s a little difficult to work on Christmas Eve. We did our best, but it was at the end of the day that I think we really felt the Christmas Spirit. The Elders from my district and my companion and I decided to get together and have a devotional that night. Normally in my home i can always remember that we were the traditional family who gathered as a family o read Luke 2, Heleman 14, and 3 Nefi 1. This night we did the same, but it was special. The spirit was felt in our small home and above all it will be a memory that I will forever hold in my heart. After that Christmas morning we played basketball and then prepared for our Christmas activity. The activity was fun. We broke piƱatas and as well we shared gifts. I shared a photo of the gift I received this year and the Elder who gave it to me. It is a very awesome sarabe or in English poncho. On Christmas as well I spoke with the family and was glad to see hem al again. The time maybe isn’t sufficient, but to see and hear their voices always is nice. After Christmas though it was tough, because our baptism fell through until next week! We were shocked, but as is well because it’s positive that she will baptize. On Sunday though we had a Christmas miracle with 3 new investigators in church. As well they just showed up by themselves! 

Now something short. So this week I can’t lie I was pretty let down with the fact that Magdalena didn’t baptize this weekend. I couldn’t understand why, what didn’t I do, is my desire to baptize not strong enough, am I not obedient enough, what else could have been done? Then as I was sitting in church on Sunday the thought enter in my mind, did you ever think what I want for you as I thought about that it hit me truly. My desire to baptize maybe isn’t wrong, but did I look for what God wanted for me? Reflecting upon the experience now I see that truly the work of salvation can hold a very strong desire in our lives and as well that we can work with all we have, but maybe it doesn’t pass when we would expect it. The Lord knows his children and knows when it is there time as well he knows what we should do. If we want to work in the vineyard the question should always be Lord what does THOU  WANT ME TO DO? I know he will respond and if we do we will see his hand in our life.

Elder Perfili


God Be With You Till We Meet Again