Monday, December 8, 2014

1 month down in Mexico

So I have a Month in the mission already I can’t believe it! I don’t have a ton of news this week about my area. The work is kind of slow right now and were trying to find new people. Down here we can’t knock doors so it’s a lot of contacting and referrals. It’s interesting though because it doesn’t feel like Christmas fully without all the streets being light up with lights, but there is the occasional house that has its tree in the window and lights out front. I hope that you all have seen the new video the Church produced called He is the Gift or en Español El es la Dádiva. When I was in the MTC I actually got to see it as a devotional and learn how much work the Church has put into this. Right now on Time Square the Church has a huge ad for this video and the ad is the background for a show on MTV. The church also bought an ad on YouTube so that this is the first video people can watch on YouTube. This Christmas share the Gift. Share the knowledge that you have a Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ was born in a manger, grew up as we do and served his mortal ministry among us. That he died on the cross so that we all may return to live in the presence of God if we choose to accept him and believe on his name. 
My Short Message:
Next week I will share a Christmas Message, but I want to share a message from the Book of Mormon. I was reading 2nd Nephi this week and I just love those first four chapters. If you don’t know it is when Lehi is speaking with his children on his death bed. He tells his sons to wake up and to shake the dust off and put on the amour of God. Later he tells of how the Book of Mormon and Joseph Smith as a prophesy. Lehi dies and Nephi then writes his Lament. My message is this every day we fight not against flesh and blood, but against the devil and his followers. The armor of God is essential, Wear the Breastplate of Righteousness and have you feet shod with peace, carry the shield of faith to protect yourself from temptation, wear the helmet of salvation and wield the sword of the Spirit of God which is the Word of God. Every day you leave home wear this armor and you to like Nephi you soul will arise and AWAKE with the knowledge that that you don’t need to yield to sin because of your flesh, but that you have a Savior and if you believe him ALWAYS knowing that he has a plan for you, you can have happiness in this life and the life to come.  
Well Both Be Underneath the Same Moon
God Be With You Till We Meet Again
Elder Perfili        

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